A Personal Viewpoint: Some Have Been Lost By Modern Society
My personal moral viewpoints may be a little strong for some. They may be a little harsh for some. They may not be harsh enough for others. They may not even be close to the thoughts or ideas of others. The moral values of people range from one end of the spectrum to the other.
My opinion is simply this, though.
Moral values make a man who he is. Strong moral values make a good man that has meaning and purpose in life. Whether that meaning is to society. To family. To friends. Or just to himself. It really doesn't matter who the value is to, as long as the value is there.
My personal moral values can be found as follows. Obviously I cannot list all of them that I have. I simply do not have the room, or the time, to list every single thought and value that I have and that I follow. The basic values I follow are the major ones that I was raised to believe.
Family is always at the top of my list when it comes to anything. Morals is no exception. The needs, wants, and welfare of my family will always be first and foremost. It drives my life and everything that I do.
Honesty is another moral trait that has always been at the top of my list. A man is nothing if he cannot be trusted to follow his word. Actions make your legacy and they should align with what you say.
Courage is also high on my list. This is one that many men (people in general), have lost in society today. I go after what I want. If someone is in danger and needs help I jump forward and help without hesitation. If faced with a life threatening situation there is no flight response in me.
Acceptance and equality is very important and an aspect of my morality that I stand by. I will stand by others as well. I do not care what race you are. What sex you are. What sexual orientation you are. What your beliefs are. What age you are. I care how you treat me. How you treat others.
Compassion and empathy should be a human trait that is ingrained in all of us. It seems to also be a forgotten moral. People in need are everywhere and should be helped. Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it makes you feel good. Obviously there are people that abuse the good and take advantage of people like me (try to anyway). Those people are low life scum and do not deserve the time of day, let alone my help.
Responsible and trustworthy is also something that I pride myself on. Unfortunately it is another aspect of today's society that has been lost. A man has to be as good as his word and has to be responsible and trusted in every aspect of work and life.
Kindness and politeness and slightly different but they still go together. I am kind and polite to everyone, including people that are not extremely nice to me. That is not to say that I am a doormat either. You do not have to be walked on to be kind. Being polite is simply an outward gesture or verbal response that can be done without a second thought.
Respect is also another big moral trait that I have. Society has also lost touch with this. I not only have respect for other people, animals, objects, and ideas, but for myself as well.
Morals, especially my own traits and ideas, have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I strongly feel that society has forgotten numerous important aspects of them. Throughout the globe drama and fights break out on a daily basis simply because morals no longer exist or no longer are followed.